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Cycling Clubs
Cycling clubs are a great way to learn new routes, meet like minded people and get you out when you may not feel like it! They all make a special effort to be friendly and are open to cyclists of all ages and abilities. You do not know have to know how to calculate gear ratios to join!
If you would like us to include your club here please email us at [email protected]and we'll add your details, free of charge. No catch!
National Organisations
CTC (Cyclists Touring Club) http://www.ctc.org.uk/ The national cycling charity campaigning for cyclists everywhere.
Audax UK http://www.aukweb.net/ Audax UK promotes long distance cycling, with rides from 50km to 1400km.
British Cycling http://www.britishcycling.org.uk/ The national governing body for cycling working across all levels and six disciplines of the sport, from providing the support and encouragement people need to get riding their bikes for the first time, to being home to the hugely successful Great Britain Cycling Team.
Leicester Forest Cycling Club http://leicesterforest.org.uk/ Leicestershire's FRIENDLY cycling club!
Fareham Wheelers Cycling Club http://www.fareham-wheelers.org.uk/index.shtml caters for all standards of cycling, from beginner & youth to veteran. The club has a friendly atmosphere and is also competitive when it comes to racing and time trials.
Portsmouth North End Cycling Club http://www.pnecc.net/index.html founded in 1900 promotes the sport and pastime of cycling, for all ages.
Sotonia Cycling Club http://www.sotonia.co.uk/ has its base in Southampton, Hampshire and draws its members from around the local area. We are an 'all round' club taking part and organising events across most aspects of cycling, all year round.
South West
Bournemouth Jubilee Wheelers http://www.bjw.org.uk/ One of the largest cycling clubs in the south participating in all types of cycling.
Poole Wheelers http://www.poolewheelers.com/index.html pride themselves on being one of the friendliest clubs in the UK and have fantastic countryside with a blend of hills and open areas which are perfect for cycling.
CC Weymouth http://www.ccweymouth.co.uk/ An active, friendly club for road cyclists in Weymouth, Dorchester and the surrounding area, running time trials, an annual road race, and club training runs.
Gillingham and District Wheelers http://www.gdw.org.uk/ est. 1993, is probably the friendliest cycling club in the world! Since the early days when the club had just a handful of enthusiasts, we now boast more than 60 members of all ages & abilities, riding bikes and cycles in most disciplines: from the purist tester, to the dedicated mountain biker, to the weekend warrior - we have them all. Why not come along for a go: we time trial every Wednesday evening during the Summer months and have regular club runs on Saturday and Sunday mornings; if you like what you see - then join up!
Wessex Wizards Triathlon Club http://www.wessexwizards.com/ A friendly triathlon club based around Yeovil and Sherborne in south Somerset and Dorset, suitable for all levels.
1st Chard Wheelers http://www.1stchardwheelers.org.uk/ based in South Somerset and are drawn from a wide area but mainly Chard, Ilminster, Crewkerne and Axminster and the the surrounding areas of Somerset, Devon and Dorset
Somerset Road Club http://www.somersetroadclub.org.uk/ are based in Taunton and although the club has a strong allegiance to Road Racing the club welcomes riders of all abilities both male and female. Indeed our members are a diverse group of cyclists of all ages both male and female, including; current racers, past racers, time trialists, mountain bikers, cyclo-cross riders, people who cycle for fitness and those who cycle for fun!
Somer Valley Cycling Club http://www.somervalley.org.uk/ supports and encourages all types of cycling, be it Road Racing, Time Trialling, Mountain Biking or “Wayfayring” (which includes anything from Audax rides to shorter routes of 20 miles plus) in the Midsomer Norton and Radstock areas.
Clevedon and District http://www.cdrc.cc/